What is the difference between composite and uPVC doors?

They may be the most popular door styles on the market, but do you know the difference between composite and uPVC doors? It’s a common question – one that we get asked all the time, here at JWS Home Improvements – and the answer is a lot simpler than you may think.

It’s all about the materials used to make them…

uPVC front doors are constructed from a type of plastic (called unplasticised polyvinyl chloride) and, thanks to their strength, affordability, and practicality, they have been a market leader for many years now. But they’re not perfect and uPVC isn’t very durable.

This is where composite doors come into play. Think of them as a type of upgrade. They still benefit from a solid uPVC core, but they’re also constructed from several other materials – which are glued together in layers – and these outperform uPVC in a number of ways.

5 advantages of composite doors over uPVC doors

1. A wider variety of options

This is one of the biggest advantages of composite front doors. There are so many styles and designs to choose from. Keep things classic with oak-effect panels or opt for something modern, with full-height windows and eye-catching colours. Add modern handles or customise with your house name or number. The choice is yours.

2. Easy to maintain

Unlike uPVC, composite doors are incredibly durable. They won’t crack, fade or discolour over time. Simply keep it clean (using warm soapy water and a soft damp cloth), lubricate the hinges and locks at least once a year, and a composite door will continue to look as good as new for many years.

3. Thermal efficiency

Composite front doors demonstrate much better thermal insulation than their uPVC counterpart. Their multi-layer construction protects against the harsh UK elements and, with the addition of an effective seal, they eliminate draughts and prevent heat loss from your home. It may not seem like much but, in the long term, this can help to save a significant amount of money on energy bills.

4. Improved security

Thanks to their unique construction, composite doors are also much stronger and sturdier than uPVC doors. They come with a wider range of locking options and will significantly improve the safety and security of your home – preventing intruders and offering peace of mind.

5. Reduced noise pollution

Composite front doors are an ideal option if you live on a main road or busy street. On average, they are 10mm thicker than uPVC styles. The extra layers of material help to block out noise – such as pedestrians and traffic – and will allow you to enjoy your home in peace and quiet.

Row of houses with composite doors

Get in touch with JWS Home Improvements today

If you would like to find out more about the difference between composite and uPVC doors, please feel free to get in touch. Our team of experts, here at JWS, demonstrate excellent knowledge in this area and they will advise on the best type of front door for you.

So why not give us a call today on 01744 747030? Alternatively, send an email to info@jwshome.co.uk and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

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